Olio Piro. wins the gold medal at the 2020 Dubai Olive Oil Competion

For this first Edition, Dubai Olive Oil Competition brought together 287 Producers from 17 countries. Because of COVID, confinements, border closures, and delivery problems, it was not easy to prepare,  but despite everything, the organizers managed to hold the competition. It was the only EVOOC to take place in 2020 with juries physically present since the start of this pandemic.

The competing oils have been judged by several International Jury: Ms. Emmanuelle Dechelette (France), Ms. Fabienne Codaccioni Roux (France), Mr. Kostas Liris (Greece), Mr. Maher Ben Ismail (Tunisia), Ms. Imene Trabelsi (Tunisia), Mr. Jose Ventura (Portugal), Ms. Ikram Ben Cheikh (Portugal).

Receiving the gold medal at this new competition was an honor for Olio PIro. and our producers Romain Piro and Daniele Lepori, and it confirms that their devotion to quality really yields one of the best olive oil in the world!

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