Olive Oil's Polyphenols: Promising Impacts on Obesity and Prediabetes

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Recent research indicates that consuming extra virgin olive oil rich in oleocanthal and oleacein can be advantageous for those with obesity and prediabetes.

The study, published in Clinical Nutrition, found that one month of consuming this oil enhanced antioxidant defenses and lowered markers associated with oxidative stress and inflammation—key factors in prediabetes and obesity.

The APRIL (Aove in PRedIabetes) study involved 91 participants from Málaga, Spain, aged 40 to 65, all with obesity and prediabetes. They were divided into two groups: one consumed polyphenol-rich extra virgin olive oil, the other non-virgin olive oil, over 30-day periods. A 15-day break separated the periods.

Results showed improved antioxidant profiles, reduced oxidative stress enzymes, and lower lipid oxidation for those on the polyphenol-rich oil. Additionally, inflammation-reducing compounds increased with extra virgin olive oil consumption.

In one month, we did­n’t expect to see a change in body weight or a change in glycemia, but these are very good indi­ca­tors of good clin­i­cal results for these types of patients (with obe­sity and pre­di­a­betes).- Francisco-Javier Bermúdez-Silva, senior researcher, Regional Hospital of Málaga - Source: Olive OIl Times.

These findings are significant as obesity and prediabetes rates surge globally, as noted by the World Obesity Atlas. Over 4 billion individuals are expected to be overweight or obese by 2035.

The study also revealed decreased body weight and body mass index after a month on extra virgin olive oil, accompanied by better fasting glucose levels. However, insulin resistance, lipid profile, blood pressure, and renal function remained unchanged.

Extra virgin olive oil could clinically improve glucose regulation, alongside reducing inflammation and oxidative stress.

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